
Exhibiting at Fi North America | Supply Side West 2024

Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas
30 Oct - 31 Oct, 2024

Product Offerings

Product Categories:

Food Additives and Ingredients, Assurance Services, Certification Services, Inspection Services, Quality and Performance Testing, Materials technology, Analytical testing, Consulting and Professional Services, Testing Services, Occupational hygiene, Food Safety Certification


Materials analysis, Regulatory Compliance Services, Environmental Testing, Pharmaceutical Testing, Product Certification, Food Safety Testing, Allergen Detection, Food Testing Services, Product Certificates of Conformity, Microbiological Testing, Chemical Analysis, Pharmaceutical testing, Packaging Testing, Shipment Certificates of Conformity, Nutritional Analysis, Occupational hygiene solutions, Food & Beverage Testing

Intertek Saudi Arabia is a leading provider of Assurance, Testing, Inspection, and Certification (ATIC) services in the Kingdom. They are accredited by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) and the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) to issue Product Certificates of Conformity and Shipment Certificates of Conformity. Intertek ensures the compliance of products exported to Saudi Arabia with local regulatory requirements, facilitating a smooth and efficient customs clearance process. Their services include food safety testing, certification of food products, and other regulatory compliance services, supporting the safety and quality of imported foodstuffs for Saudi consumers.